Self analysis | Summary

1. I can feel Lord Hanuman's presence. I won't say about other gods. I do love and respect all. But when it comes to Hanuman ji, when I read about him, watch some videos, watch his idols in temples, or his giant sculptures, I get tears and goosebumps. I feel all of those connotations lively. 

2. I love army mindset. Though I couldn't crack any of the armed forces services exams, I still believe in living life by their mindset. I lack discipline the most and I am working on daily basis to improve it as much as I can. 

3. Extremely grateful to parents. Health and wealth for parents is my utmost priority. They have lived a life of scarcity, struggles, and sacrifices. I have to compensate for it all and give them a life of happiness, security, freedom, and livelihood. I want them to be extremely healthy, happy, and travel as much as they can, living a long long life. They have given me alot, abided by all my choices, supported me throughout in all my failures and struggles, and have been immensely patient with my career delays. I owe my whole existence to them. Also I am lucky to have a young sister who is bit slacky in some places, yet a nice human. She is the real kid who has taken a good care of my parents throughout my voyage tenure accross my career journey of past 14 years living away from my parents. My parents, in fact would be the happiest, if I do well for my sister and give her a lot of love, well wishes, regards, support, and a good future life. 

4. I love my girlfriend, now to be my wife, alot. I want to dedicate my whole life to her completely. She is an amazing soul, amazing person, and has been a huge support through all my struggles. I feel extremely lucky to have such a person in life. She is extremely supportive, mature, naturally funny (I don't know why chubby ones are naturally funny), and has a lot of self-respect. She is completely different, a class apart from the current women lot which the world is witnessing. 
What I have experienced is many women, not all, from the current generation, have a false sense of womenhood or feminism. They don't actually know the meaning of it. Women empowerment or feminism is not about satisfying selfish goals through clubbing, partying, smoking, drinking, demonstrating false feminism through taunts, and fights for rights which don't even exist and in the end being hypocrite by relying on a sole person for gold digging needs. Though the aspect of gold digging is quite broad as I think the men who seek a beautiful flesh do need to pay the price for the flesh. The soul is priceless not the flesh. 
In summary, I am extremely lucky to have a person in life who has this maturity to realize the right things. She is naturally funny, an amazing soul, foodie, cute, has self-respect, and knows her rights. If not perfect (being a human) she is close to the best ones and deserves the best.

4. I love myself and I am the happiest when I do something creative, innovative, and when I play sports. In sports, I love all the sports equally, but I play volleyball, and badminton the most here in IITG. I like the small tricks part the most, when I do drops or hit a smash in a place where there's a void space, then give a smooth drops. 

5. I love this country alot. 🇮🇳
It is an immensely beautiful country with such diverse people, good, culture, and landscapes. This country has everything in landscape and weather. This motherland has given us so much that we ought to contribute to the progress of this country through educating the young ones, transformimg the mindset, making it develop in many ways. I want to contribute through research in defense, medical, and energy exploration domains. 

• Lord Hanuman
• Army mindset
• Parents & sister
• GF/wife
• Creation, innovation, Hobbies (Sports) 
• Country


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