Mental Health: A Basic Overview

Ever lived in a state of depression, anxiety, sleep-deprived mode, and panic attacks?

Ever tried searching for symptoms of these disorders on the internet?

What are these? What do they do to a human brain or body? Are they external or internal? How can they be controlled or prevented?

Just like a liver fails, a kidney fails, a heart fails, similarly a mind fails as well.

You eat junk, you impact your gut health; you drink junk, you impact your kidney and liver; you smoke junk, you impact your lungs and heart. Similarly, as you go on feeding your mind with junk thoughts, it also gets impacted in a similar way.

So what actually is mental health? 

How can you control it and connect your thoughts and emotions and achieve a mental balance?

Good mental health does not mean that one doesn't have mental illness. It is about

  • having a sense of purpose in life
  • getting involved with creative things
  • coping with stress and setbacks in life
  • forming meaningful and close relationships
  • being in touch with your thoughts and emotions

But many times, things do not work as expected. Things may go upside down, and then life seems to go out of control. This eventually creates a sense of panic and anxiety through bombardment of thoughts. Then, eventually, the sadness takes over. What seemed like a day now feels like weeks and months since you had been in a happy and peaceful state of mind. One day of sadness suddenly stretches up to weeks and months. You start feeling the symptoms as listed below.

  1. You keep waking up tired, lost, and sad every day.
  2. Your chest feels tight, and your gut health seems ruined.
  3. You suffer from headaches now and then.
  4. You break into a cold sweat and keep grasping for breaths.
  5. You overthink and speculate a lot over the uncontrollable situations.
  6. You mostly find yourself to be sad or angry.
  7. You cannot concentrate, focus, or remember stuff.
  8. You keep getting triggered and irritated over the minutest of things.
  9. You worry a lot about people's perspectives and opinions about you.

If these symptoms are intermittent over a few days or so and then subside, then that means you have adaptable and strong mental health. It is analogous to any other muscle that keeps getting injured but heals soon over a short period of time. 

However, if these symptoms persist over a long period of time, it means your mental health has been disrupted completely and needs a complete healing. However, you may not worry much, and there is no need to be scared, as you are not alone. A relaxing fact is around 1 in every 5 young individuals around the globe, in the age range of 18-45 experience bad mental health and illness at one stage in their life. 

This is mainly attributed to the bad lifestyle, destructive habits, and living ambiance we have evolved into as humans. Humans were never meant to live in confined rock blocks of flats and be submerged for prolonged hours in front of blue screens. These sorts of choices have led to bad mental disorders becoming so common these days. Some common mental disorders are:

  • Depression
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Eating disorders
  • Obsessive compulsion disorders
  • Bipolar or personality disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorders
  • Schizophrenia 

© Antash Kishore Sinha

Post courtey: © ClickView, YouTube (


  1. It's good that people now talking or writing about this issue😊


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