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My Happy Ending : PART 1

Today is my first day at school in Burbank, Illinois. I miss my friends back in Carolina, but the people at this school seem nice. Then again, a lot of people seem nice before you meet them. I met this boy today and his name is Jake. He’s really cute and kind. He walked me to all my classes, even the ones on the opposite end of the school from where he was supposed to be.
After that day, he missed a week of school.
When he got back, he walked me to my classes again. I told him how much I really appreciated it. He was the only one who even tried to befriend me. After a week of walking me to my classes, Jake finally asked me out. I am a Christian and only hang around fellow Christians who are people that will be saved by God. Hence, I asked him if he’s Christian and luckily, he said yes.
“How long have you been a Christian?”
“A few years…” He replied slowly.
That was when he changed the subject.
The date was amazing and everything went right.
He continued to walk me to my classes everyday for months. We went out together more than twice every week. We held hands but there was nothing more. He knew that, for me, even kissing a guy is a big step and I need to be really serious with a guy before we can take that step.
We were together for two years when he came up to me with his hands behind his back.
“Hey! Guess what I made it to the tennis team.” I told him.
“That’s great!” He gave me a huge hug.
“Let’s go celebrate!” He pulled out two tickets from behind him.
“For real? Oh my goodness! The basement! Are you serious?!”
The basement was a big Christian group that tours and performs at different places. They preach, dance and do all kind of cool stuff. Jake knew how much I love them and how much I had wanted to go to their concert together ever since we first met.
After the concert, Jake grabbed my hand and led me somewhere I’d never been before.
“What are we doing here?” I asked.
He had a weird look on his face and I got worried.
“I love you, Grace.”
“I-I… love you too, but why…”
“You mean it?”
There was a long pause while I tried to figure out what was he trying to ask. What was going on with him?
“Of course I mean it.” I replied.
“Then kiss me.”
I was hoping he would say that but I was still really confused. I kissed him anyway. It was my first kiss.
“I love you, Grace.” He said again
“You said that already.”
“I know, because I really… I love you, Grace.” He whispered slowly as if he didn’t know what else to say.
“Is there anything you want to tell me?”
I wanted to have some clue on what was happening. My head was still spinning from the kiss. He shook his head. I didn’t understand it at all. All I knew was that at that moment right there, I realized how much Jake truly loved me… Or so I thought.....

Three weeks later, Jake and I were closer than ever and probably the most in love teenagers you would ever meet. I went to meet him during his last class. He was chatting with some friends so I decided to stand outside the door and wait for him.
“Tell us the truth dude.” I heard his friend say.
“Okay, I lied to Grace. Obviously, I’m not a Christian but…”
I couldn’t wait for him to finish his words when I heard what he said. I ran as hard as I could down the hallway and out the doors. I needed to get away. My heart cracked and I didn’t even remember where I left the pieces. How could he do this to me? He said he loves me and I believed him. He said he wanted to be with me forever and I believed that too.
I didn’t know where I was or how long I was there but I knew that I never want to go back to the classroom. I didn’t think I could stand it. How does someone deal with that? I began to question my faith. Why, God? Why? I knew God wasn’t to blame but that was the only way I could vent my frustrations. There was no one left anymore. I felt left alone out in the cold. Jake didn’t leave me here but he made it such a way that I could go anywhere but back home. It’s said that the will of God will never take you where the grace of God won’t protect you. Why would God bring him to me if he knew this would happen? I started to think about what I had heard again. I broke down into tears once more.....


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