A Face That I wouldn't Replace...:-)

A face that I wouldn’t replace
Blessin’ this house with all your grace
A face that I wouldn’t replace
Blessin’ this house with all your grace

Mom, you’re special to me
Praying to God, Thanks
Thanking You for giving to me

Thanks Mom, you’re always there
Thanks Mom, for the meals
Thanks Mom, ’cause you care
Thanks Mom, teaching me not to steal

Mom, you’re special to me
Always there for me
Even when I was bad, you treated me good
Punishing me only when you should

A face that I wouldn’t replace
Blessin’ this house with all your grace
A face that I wouldn’t replace
Blessin’ this house with all your grace

When I have troubles, you’re always there
When I have struggles, you always care
Thanks for being with me
Thanks for always loving me
A face that I wouldn’t replace

I LOVE YOU...!!!...MOM...!!!
Happy Mother’s Day!!


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