3 mistakes of my life

MISTAKES & REGRETS are an integral part of life. There's hardly a person on this planet who never committed a mistake in his life. And if there do exist any such person then in my opinion they haven't started living their life yet. Mistakes are untaught, free lessons of life. They are the best developing experiences of life. They teach us how to live, where were the flaws, how things can be improved and what needs to be avoided in future. Even Albert Einstein said that those who didn't commit any mistake ever, never lived their life truly. The only thing is mistakes shouldn't be repeated because foolish people do that. Just always try to learn from your mistake and improvise your next steps. Now reverting back to the title of this post, revealing some of the unwanted mistakes of my life which explained some of the best lectures of life to me. Enjoy reading people.


The first mistake I committed was the time when I got admission in Lucknow Public School in the emotionally ugly but other wise beautiful city of Lucknow, full of people who spent large amount of their life showing off and faking talents which never really possessed.
That fucking filthy school ruined a considerable span of my life. First of all, those torturous teachers forcing the students to just mug harder and harder. If you really wanna meet true muggers who possess the capability of mugging the facts without understanding even a single word you really need to pay a visit there. That filthy school pushed me hard into competition which I really hated and never desired. I hate competitions between students and especially friends because as per my opinion competitions just ruins the bonding of strong friendship. It transforms even the best of friends into the worst and most evil enemies you will ever witness. Le'me describe one of such incident which would surely prove my aforesaid words.

On a fine sunny day, we were being infuriated by our maths teacher when one of our renowned mugger topper asked how to solve a complicated sum.The conversation went as follows..:

Girl : Sir could u please explain how to solve seventeenth question ?
( Wandering in class after allotting the problems for classwork...attention outside..I was damn sure he was enjoying the same exotic, ecstatic views we guys used to enjoy during our recess and free periods. Actually the thing is, our school was located amid a residential colony. And it was surrounded by beautiful houses and apartments. And there used to be lots of hot Aunties and charming girls in those houses. It was the best location god could have provided for guys like us who crave for such exclusivity of hotness.) 
                     : One moment plz....
                    [haan haan...pura dekh lein....upar se niche tak taar le...kabhi to santushti mila nahi hoga biwi se, isi se khush ho le....hamare hi mandir jaise school ko dushit ker..although we used to do the same thing..infact worse..drooling over the perfect figures of all those nearby curvaceous angels. But c'mon man.. afterall we are young testosterone rushed students and we were bound to do that but he was a married guy. ASSHOLE  ]
                    : so what were you asking..?
Girl : Sir I asked solution for Q.17.
Teacher: How can a topper like you ask such a simple question ? One moment le'me have a look. As expected!! Quite an easy one. But right now I am not able to recall how it was solved. So it would be better if you come to my cabin after recess. I would properly explain the solution and you better learn it later. Although being an easy one this is an important question.

[ Didn't have any idea what were his real intentions at that time but it completely revealed his shitty character and cheap mentality. He was such an asshole who used to beat students like shit, reason being either absence or failure to solve even a single problem of his so called 'HW'. He didn't even used to spare girls. Once he slapped a girl so hard that she had to be admitted in a hospital. Later we came to know that she was asthmatic. At that time I felt like hitting that jerk with a rod. But had to control that anger else the next moment I would have been expelled and then it would have created more problems for my parents who were already pretty stressed and tired of shifting stuffs and adjusting with people. But I really hated that guy. DICKHEAD...JERK..ASSHOLE...]

It was pretty clear from above incident that how even the teachers there used to force students to mug hard, even conceptual subjects like Mathematics.
I really wonder sometime how I managed to bear that filthy school and those #$%^$# fucking teachers and asshole students. Even those students were capable of making other people's life hell. I should indeed pat my back for surviving that phase of my life.

I am really grateful to my Dad that he opted for a transferable job and I didn't have to bear that filthy school for more than 2 years. Although on some grounds, moving on and shifting was really  painful which is explained further down this post, but still I really thanked my fortune on one hand.


14th July 2008...
After spending my first week in that so called 'renowned' new school, for the first that day I witnessed the meaning and purpose of my survival in that school. For the first time that day, I saw that angel dropped down directly from heaven to relieve me from all kind of pain and feel peaceful. Actually our class teachers was doing some seating arrangement stuff. You people may think that I must be joking but I swear I am not. Those jerks used to think that making two boys and girls sit alternatively in class in ascending order used to maintain discipline and avoided chats and talks. But they didn't knew that it was the only meaningful intelligent thing they did to be seriously paid for and be respected. Damn man!! She was really really beautiful. A true angel !!! . She was standing just few inches away from me that day during that seating arrangement thing. And I was unable to take off my eyes from her even for a millisecond. I was not even blinking my eyelids. It was a serious damn true 'fallen for her at first sight' glance. She was drop dead gorgeous, literally nature's most beautiful creation. You guys may be thinking that I am exaggerating but I'm not. Those kohl filled hazel brown eyes covering my whole world and life within those big round eyeballs. Then she had long glossy shiny hair which just ended at the perfect curved joint with those strands flourishing elegantly due to breeze and that used to make my world  swirl around. She was really pretty, indeed really really pretty and I mean it from the core of my heart. Her pink dimpled cheeks, her juicy pink lips making me crave for her even more and more, her perfect curvaceous figure with ellipses being made at perfect locations. Her innocent smile was making my heart dance to the best romantic tunes of world performing every dance form known till date. I still thank my good fortune and that unknown supernatural power above there hiding behind that blue sky for providing me such a golden opportunity to admire his most beautiful creation. I fell for her beauty and gorgeous smile at first sight within few seconds. Within an instant I had a huge huge huge crush on her. I wanted her desperately and instantly in my life and that too forever..till the last breath of air. I wanted her like hell. I craved for her, desired each and every part of her soul and her to be mine because I already had dedicated my heart, soul, mind and everything to her within that moment. And it was not just because she was drop dead gorgeous, most beautiful and all that. I had seen many pretty girls although not as pretty as her but pretty enough to make you crave for them. Here in her case, the things which were generating the urge to crave for her were the feelings of happiness, relaxation and relief. Just a glance on her face and a deep magisterial wink of her eyes were enough to give you a feeling of peace and relief.
During that span when I was deeply exploring her beauty and admiring its creator, our eyes met for the first time. I panicked and I was about to take off my eyes when she smiled innocently and expected the same in return. It felt like heaven. I instantly smiled in return although not as innocent and selfless as her. I was deeply engrossed in her everlasting beauty when someone thumped me from behind and instantly my fantasizing world came to an end and I was back to reality. Muttering few curses I turned around to find my cruel, barbarous class teacher standing there firm, clenching her teeth angrily.

Teacher ( Shouting in her loudest voice) : Where is your mind jackass ??

[Some jerks and assholes passed a smirk at that moment but I wasn't bothered about them. The thing which seemed peaceful was that my angel, who was standing there just few inches away looked worried.]
Me         : Here in the class ma'am...!!
T-cher  : It doesn't seem so. I called your name for like ten times. But seems like you are deeply                           engrossed in your fantasizing world full of jackasses like you.
Me       :  Sorry Ma'am!!
Teacher : It would be much better if you concentrate here in class and especially on me while I am       speaking.
Me       : But Ma'am.!! It's tough to concentrate with much more prettier options around.

(Everyone giggles and my pretty angel smiles making my heart dance and that was the best peaceful feeling I ever felt. To make her laugh and smile felt like my passion, my only deed and I felt like that was the sole purpose of my life. But I didn't realize that I wasn't in the same light world of humor and smile like my previous school. That woman landed a thrashing slap on my face and continued with her shouting work splitting our ear drums.. especially mine because she was standing closest to me with her face inches away. In her process of slapping me she refreshed one of my wound, near my throat and blood spilled out and few drops fell on that angel's dress as she was the closest one.]

Teacher : Such kind of foolish indecent behavior won't be tolerated in future. This is your first and                                last warning. Go wash your wound. Be careful in future.

 Me (Holding my blood almost in tears with sore throat) : Ohhkkk Ma'am..!!! Sorry.

And then I left for the washroom. I was cursing that whine when I heard some footsteps from behind. I turned around to find their owner and there she was. My recently developed best crush ever following me. And her face acted as the best antibiotics for my blood spilled wound. My blood flow jammed instantly and veins and arteries clotted my blood's pathway to circulate my mind. I found my mind fantasizing  about her again...


But within a second, I was brought back to reality again. Just the thing was that this time reality was eternal..BEAUTIFUL..!!!
She shrugged me back to reality. Seriously!!! Did she just touch me ?? :D <3
Her smooth finger's touch on my body sent a sea of shivers all over my body.

ANGEL : Hey !! Where are you lost.?? 

And here she was. Her melodious voice created another maze for my mind and I got lost deeper in that. She was heaven for me atleast at that time. Her thin, shrilled, concordant, luscious voice gave my mind uncountable happy swooshes.

Me : Huh.!!! Oh Sorry..I am really sorry.. 

ANGEL ( Hiding her smile) : Are you OK now ? 

Me : Huh..!!! Yeah.. Yeah I am absolutely fine and I am really Sorry for your shirt. Its stained and disrupted         because of me now.

ANGEL : Oh  No No..!!! Are you mad..It wasn't your fault at all. You don't have to apologize for her silly                   mistake. And seems like your wound's not gonna stop bleeding. Better apply some antibiotic                         there.

Me : Hmm.. Going that way only. By the way where's this sick room located ?

ANGEL :  Go straight, then go downstairs and then take a left.

Me : Thanks !! Catch you later.

ANGEL : I would have shown you the way but now I guess you might be quite aware of our cruel class                         teacher. She doesn't tolerates late comers and bunkers. So really Sorry..!!!

Me : Oh NO NO.!! Its absolutely fine. Really thanks for the help. See ya..

ANGEL : Yeah catch you later.Take care...

She really wanted to accompany me. Yipeee..!!! And she was concerned for my wound. Yayeee...

I was completely enjoying these thought at that time. I went to the sick room and got my wound dressed. And then I came back to the class room.

Me : May I coming Ma'am.

Teacher : Yes please. Now go and be seated. And Don't repeat such indecent behavior in future.


26 October 2010

This was the day when i commited my third mistake which proved to b the biggest one of my life...!
After that unhappy seperation I moved in my life...!Still we remained in contact with each other through mails and mobile nos....It was the holy day of Diwali .....When i opened my orkut account i figured out strange girl with blond hair resembling Giny weasly of harry potter glaring at me..!Then i notice it was her profile photo...!Until then i was a changed person quite addicted to crazy n freaky,cool environment of DPS...Now i had all the confidence and guts to do anything of my desire .....which i lacked few years ago..when i needed it most..!...
Anyways i founded that auspicious day to be the most suitable one for expressing ma feelings...![confusing it with the valentine day...!but didn't hav the patience to wait so long..!]
And as the story goes i wrote a love letter complete with smilies and love texture and sent it via email..to my beloved girl ....!
Within a few hours the reply came-----
"My dear Antash,
.......Your words seemed to arise directly from ur heart and refract my soul..Even I used to have the same feelings as urs but alwayz had the fear of my parents...But how long could u carry on with worthy fear...so this time admitting it...I LOVE YOU TOO... 
 "Those few words by her lifted my soul up from the ground high up in the oxygenless space...!"that was the best day of my life till now...![as well as the worst one as u will read later..!]
I was enjoying ma love life with her..!shared the thoughts romantic flirt messages..![including the double meaning ones....too]...
She even had reached the extent of deciding our kids name 
But time doesn't spares anyone...and it didn't spared me too...!
That was the day when i was lost in her thoughts doing things which would not be fair to express here...when a tsunami came in my lyf..!...My mobile blinked with the beautiful face of her tellin to recieve her msg..!
It went on as follow:

My dear Antash,...
[why do the guls do that ...callin the name with 'dear' word attached even in a break up message]

Its hard to say this but i can't keep u anymore in dilemma...
my answer to ur proposal is NO..
I don't do all this luv shuv thing its not really my type...
I know it would be hard for u to digest this msg..[when she new that then y did she send those words 2 me.]
but i can't do dis anymore to u ...so sorry..! 

Those words fell like an atom bomb on my head..!it was quite true ....i managed it hard to digest that message and en-carve in my mind that just a moment ago she left me..!My heart felt like being attacked the third time ri8 away...i was feelin like to commit a sucide..!but my best friend in dhanbad at that time...Amit ...managed to help me control my feelings..!Later with the help of few other friends in lucknow i came to know that it was a game played by a bastard...guy...who used to be my friend earlier in lko...he planned to spread rumour regarding me and told her that i just ran behind girls...!i.e hum ladkibaaz hain...that good friend backstabbed me..!Nowadays i get the informations from my friends that the evil witch is now the boyfriend of my so called 'x'...
anyways wat could b done if someone doesn't have the confidence and will power enough to trust her love...and have faith in him!

so friends these were the major mistake committed by me..!which ruined me..n my soul..!influencing my life a lot..!It would be a real pleasure of all my readers if they post their honorable comment on my post and point out the improvement which could be made in my language n post for better reading..!


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