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Differentiating a Secure and an Insecure Person

A YouTube shorts came in my feed today where a national level weight lifter, a reality show finalist, a big show was harassing and threatening a fellow contestant. The fellow contestant (one of my inspirational personality) stood there calm, collected, and replied in a classy way as much as possible.  Another YouTuber reviewed both their personalities, which was a good learning for me to make few changes in my own personality and choices of response. I am sharing the gist below.  An insecure person Gets agitated very fast Is a bully Not confident from inside Feels that raising voice, shouting, dominating, and threatening someone is what makes one a alpha confident man Retorts to criminal offenses Oppresses the weak, while is scared when the threatened person doesn't reacts as desired, and responds strongly to the threats Secure person Doesn't care who is spitting what bullshit behind their back Simply cool, calm, and collected Never reacts but responds calmly Is logical and no...

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